Theatre doors across the country are currently closed, with increasing concern as to the future financial viability of entertainment venues. However, despite the significant challenges facing the performing arts, we are announcing plans to protect our patrons when the doors reopen; and to reach new audiences.
Our Artistic Director Kevin Fraser and the team have been busy during the lockdown preparing the venues in the light of any potential new regulations required by the authorities as part of the plans to reopen.
When we get the green light to start performances again, maintaining safe and social distancing is key. So we will undertake the following: -
- There will be a one-way system and we are reviewing capacity for performances
- An even more strenuous deep cleaning system will take place after every run and following each performance. To do this, we have invested in a new ozone sanitising machine for the auditorium and other spaces - normally used in hospitals - which will thoroughly cleanse the theatre of any viruses or potential infection. The purpose is to thoroughly sanitise the auditoria and stage areas after each performance
- We will introduce a safety distancing system in the bars as well as the auditoria
- Hand sanitising stations will also be available throughout the venues
Keeping patrons safe is the key priority; however, it is not the only significant development.
We are to invest in brand new, high quality HD cameras, mixing and streaming equipment to enable us - one of the UK’s largest community theatres - to start videoing and streaming shows live. We have identified that many of their patrons are in a particular age range or are vulnerable, where they must still shield, so TFT wishes to reach out to these, often very faithful patrons, who have supported us in the past and still give them a full theatre experience whilst still at home. The streaming will also introduce a new and wider audience to TFT’s talents.
Although we do not know yet when we can reopen, it is important to plan and to make changes to ensure social distancing as well as a safe environment. We have been truly humbled by the response from our patrons and we have received so many supportive messages.
Reopening the theatre is posing several challenges: Cast members will have to get used to rehearsing and performing whilst socially distancing and we need to carefully consider our choice of plays, too; perhaps focusing on smaller productions.
However, we approach the next chapter of our history with confidence and determination. Our investment in the new cameras and streaming equipment is the start. This will give us the ability to make sure that no-one who is shielding or self-isolating misses out by not being able to get to our venues. Each week when a show is scheduled to run then we will make sure that at least two nights of the run can be downloaded or streamed.
Further details of our productions can be found on our website:
including the full 2020 brochure. Revised dates are to be published when known. Details of the 2021 season will be published later in the summer.
TFT has launched a new
YouTube Channel
and a
on its website with videos and information during the closure period.